Quantal-fractal research and image diagnosis has made it possible for Dr. Töth & DI Pfaffenbichler to reveal the principles of organization within liquids and to objectively display the information they contain in images. Healing water has a highly organized quantal-fractal structure when it is taken directly from the spring. It has been proved that the more highly structured and harmonious the
images are, the higher the quality of the water and the healthier the information it contains.

Impure tap water distributed under pressure through long water mains systems is destructured, disharmonious and has hardly any
energy. The various colours illustrate the variety and intensity of frequencies which are present in a liquid. A comparison of the two
images above clearly proves the enormous improvement in the water after the UMH ENERGIZING PROCESS. The energetically
dead tap water has been transformed into a clearly structured, brightly homogenous fountain of life.